
IT’S A TWO PIRATE THURSDAY FROM PULP EMPIRE! is proud to offer our newest anthology Pirates & Swashbucklers, a seventeen story collection of great pirate pulp fiction! Pirates & Swashbucklers author Kameron W. Franklin interviewed his fellow writers of the new Pulp Empire anthology out now!

Today he sits down with Ken Lizzi, author of “Bravo” and Alva J. Roberts, author of “Stephen the Swift.”

First, Ken Lizzi-
When did you first realize you were a writer?
I realized I was a writer upon receiving the check for my first story; I was paid for writing so I must be a writer.

What authors influence or inspire you?
Glen Cook, Bernard Cornwell, Lindsey Davis, Jack Vance, George MacDonald Fraser, Roger Zelazny. Frankly, I’m influenced by whatever I happen to be reading at the moment. And I read constantly and widely.

What book(s) have you read more than once? What drew you back?
We can just take Tolkien as a given, right? I’ve gone back to “Silverlock” by John Myers Myers (not a typographical error, that was his name) again and again. The flawed, cynical, self-centered character always resonates with me. Take that as you like. The scope and depth of Myers world, the allusions piled upon allusions, reward each revisit.

Do you consider yourself a “pulp” writer? Why? Is there another genre you like to write?
I don’t consider myself attached to, or beholden to, any particular genre. I suppose my fledgling list of credits does tilt pulp – crime fiction and comic book science fiction (or science fantasy: I don’t intend to rehash the argument as to what genre precisely “Star Wars” fits into.)

In 25 words or less, how would you define “pulp” as a genre?
Pulp is a sensibility, an expectation of entertainment indulged at, or beyond, the borders of contemporary respectability.

What made you decide to submit a story for the Pirates & Swashbucklers anthology?
As an exercise/challenge undertaken by my writing group.

Read more of Kameron’s interviews at

Pulp Empire Presents: Pirates & Swashbucklers is now available at Pulp Until October 10th, use the code “62QUSQGC” at our CreateSpace bookstore to receive 15% off on the book!

 Now, Alva J. Roberts

When did you first realize you were a writer?
Just a few years ago, right around when my favorite author, Robert Jordan, passed away. I had tried to write a novel a few times before that but never made it past the first chapter. I always told myself I would finish one someday. Mr. Jordan’s tragic passing helped me realize that someday might never come and if I wanted to write I needed to do it now. Six months later I finished my first novel, it was a horrible, unpublishable, mess but it was done and I had the writing “bug”. Now it is something I do nearly every day.

What authors influence or inspire you?
Robert Jordan, JRR Tolkien, Patrick Rothfuss, George RR Martin, Raymond Feist, Anne McCaffrey, David Eddings, Fred Saberhagen, RA Salvatore, Stephen R Donaldson, Brandon Sanderson, Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman, Terry Pratchett and probably a few dozen more I can’t remember right now, I’ve always been a voracious reader.

What book(s) have you read more than once? What drew you back?
I try to read the Lord of the Rings every year or so. The series was the first thing I ever read without pictures, in the fourth or fifth grade. Whenever I read the books I get that same magical feeling I got back then. It was my introduction to the fantasy genre, and was the beginning of my long and wonderful love 

affair with reading.

Do you consider yourself a “pulp” writer? Why? Is there another genre you like to write?
For novels, I am a fantasy author. I usually use short fiction as a way to practice things I need to work on, and as a way to relax. When I write short fiction, I just write something that sounds fun. A lot of the time that means fantasy or sci-fi in the “pulp” genre, but other times it means something a little darker or a humorous piece. My short fiction really depends on my moods.

In 25 words or less, how would you define “pulp” as a genre?
Pulp is action-packed fun. Pulp is larger than life heroes, exotic places, and over the top villains. It is something read purely for entertainment.

What made you decide to submit a story for the Pirates & Swashbucklers anthology?
I wrote a story and was looking for some place to send it. I saw the call for submissions and decided my story might be a good fit. I had already read some of Pulp Empire’s online content so I pretty confident that it was going to be a high quality publication.

Read more of Kameron’s interviews at

Pulp Empire Presents: Pirates & Swashbucklers is now available at Pulp Until October 10th, use the code “62QUSQGC” at our CreateSpace bookstore to receive 15% off on the book!